Text of poem typed beneath image for ease of reading.
Pace stops and lids do drop
for just one beat of
my childlike heart
Breathe infusion
salty popcorn
sweet candy cotton web
laced on memory’s buds
Shouting screaming
laughter ringing
as spinning ferris wheel
lights twinkle to warm
my glowing cheeks
Not that long ago
your first love innocence
clasped my hand
nerves humming in a thrill
no ride could conjure
We spun in our little carnival
summoning fantasy from
our trapeze evening
Tiptoe conversations
and breaths held tight
before kisses stamped
our youthful lips
how its flavor chokes
Carnie calls split nostalgia
lids lift to watch
my millionth sun set
through watery curtains
Stepping back
not up
The prize
was never
mine to win.
The Fair
Published inPoetry