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Tag: writer

Guest Poet: “God Is Watching” by Mary Lou M.

My sweet, beloved aunt passed away a few weeks ago. As I unpacked from our move, I found the program for her funeral service, and inside was this poem she had written in 2003. I typed it up in her memory, and I’m posting it for the world to see…because every single person has a story to share. And every single one is worth sharing. ❤

Pop Up Poetry: “A Bird Without Joy”

#PopUpPoetry for my beloved bartender at@archivecoffeeandbar. #TipYourBartenderInPoetry “A Bird Without Joy” for Josh. He has the best requests. My kind of #oldsoul. ❤

Letters to a Friend: On Writing

Can I get an “AMEN”?! #andperhapsahallelujahThere you go, boys. Eat your heart out. ❤ @melodramatic.fool @eddiecabbage #LettersToAFriendSeries

On Ranting (Recollections Series)

When a friend tries to apologize for ranting…you respond in the only way any kind, caring, and understanding friend would…with humor and a slap on the back. #TuesdayBruiseDay #SlapsAreGoodForYou #SoIsVenting #ExfoliateTheSoul #MyLifePoetic

In Defense of the Moon

The poor thing either gets slaughtered in sloppy, overly-glorified, personification-heaped love poetry, or gets made fun of…misunderstood by those who don’t appreciate its quietly haunting beauty, nor its purpose and value to us. To the improperly sung hero of the night sky…I salute you. And I am sorry for all our wrongdoing and disrespect. We’ve tarnished your good name.

The Oregon Trail (A Collaboration with Eddie Cabbage)

Apparently I died of dysentery along the Oregon Collaboration Trail… Thanks @eddiecabbage. -__- #RhetoricalRedhead #EddieCabbage #NewHighScore #ISurvivedEverything #ExceptDysentery #EddieGaveItToMe #PremeditatedMurder #ImComingForYouAsshole #OregonTrailRatedMForMature #AndTheyCallThisAKidsGame #DonnerPartyDinnerParty

Haiku #114

Managed to sneak in a handwritten haiku during the move on the only paper I could find… Writing will resume soon and I cannot wait to have my new writing corner! Woo!

An Ode to Poindexter

A little birdie (*cough*@eddiecabbage) told me @christopherpoindexterwas hosting open DMs on Tuesday nights…and Christopher…since I love you…if you’re hosting, I’m roasting. Respectfully yours, my dear. ❤ #YouBeHostinIBeRoastin #RoastedPoindexter #NOMS #AnswerMyDMChristopher

Where to Go, What to Do

As of 8:05 a.m. this morning, I am a free agent. Floating. I have no base. No dock. No boundaries. No limits.

The company I worked for had lost two big clients in a matter of months, and I knew my part-time tech writer position was on the line since business was slow and the revenue had taken a hit. But it was still a shock to have my boss hand me my notice and final paycheck saying I could leave: “There’s no reason for you to stay.”

It was bittersweet. I liked working as a technical writer, and my employers were kind and genuine people who ran a tight ship. I respected them, which made this part even harder. But as I walked to my car, arms clasping the classic banker’s box filled with what meager items I owned at the office, I felt relief. Which excited and scared me at the same time. I felt guilty for being relieved…but guilt was soon mixed with a sense of freedom and adventure; I could finally chase what I have been dreaming of doing for years…I could finally pursue my writing with nothing, nor anyone, to hold me back.

First Time Homebuyers

We liked it…so we put a ring on it. #firsttimehomebuyers #adulting #andwinning#timetobuystuffwedontneed #likemorebooks #andtypewriters And now you loverlies know why I’ve been MIA for the past two months! Thank you ALL for always reading and making this career of mine one helluvah ride! #backtowork

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