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Tag: storytime

The Rogue Ovary Chronicles: A Tale of Two Cysts

Note: This blog post includes a lot of biological/sexual/medical descriptions that may be considered graphic for some readers…this is a post about my lady-anatomy, after all. I do not spare any details; read with caution if you’re prone to discomfort when reading such content.

Monday, August 3rd, 2015 – 8:30 pm

Irony has a funny way of jumping in to my life to yell, “Surprise!” while my pants are still down.

Steve and I just had a lovely round of marital relations and were looking forward to a nice relaxing evening, probably involving a movie and going to bed early. (Don’t squirm–intercourse is kind of a thing that happens in marriage, people. And I include this snippet because it single-handedly initiated the following story.)

I stood upright to go to the bathroom and was greeted by severe cramping in my lower abdomen. Curious, as I have never, ever experienced cramping before (lucky me, I know…sympathies to my not-so-lucky fellow females out there). True, I was due to start my cycle any day now, but this was something quite different than the usual pangs of discomfort.

Cramping was soon accompanied by extreme bloating in my upper abdomen, and the pain only continued to increase as an hour passed by. I lay in bed with a heat pad on my stomach in hopes the cramping would pass. But I found myself sitting on the throne of my misery, cramping at a full roar with my abdomen refusing any form of calm as nausea and fatigue and light-headedness took over.

I couldn’t even call out to Steve, barely getting out, “Babe…something’s wrong…”

He called an advice nurse through our insurance company, who asked me a laundry list of questions and concluded with, “You need to be seen at the ER. Immediately.”


Steve was a superhero—dashing around the house to pack a small bag of necessities for the hospital as I attempted to confidently leave the bathroom behind without concern of needing it again soon.

This was bad. Let me be clear—I have a high pain tolerance. Like, stupidly high. I know when my body is just dealing with something minor, which is most of the time. But this was unlike anything I’d ever felt, and everything in my body and brain screamed wrong wrong wrong. The pain was so bad I seriously considered telling Steve to drive me to Salem Hospital (which is a desperate move…everyone knows how bad the local hospital is when it comes to ER care…or any care for that matter). The proximity was that tempting. Steve reasoned me out of my insanity, though, reminding me that I would be seen and likely diagnosed at Silverton Hospital in the same amount of time it would take Salem Hospital to simply call me into triage.

Good point. To Silverton…

I Dream of Archery

Just woke up from a dream:I disobeyed an order on the battlefield and, as punishment, my commander was to take my pointer finger. I convinced him to take my pinky instead…my reasoning–I still wanted to be able to draw my bow, and I would be a useless warrior without it. ❤ (Proud to say I didn’t make a sound when it was done.) #recurvebow #want #idreamofarchery  

Blink Blink…

#WeGotOurselvesAKeeper Yeah. That actually happened hahaha. Any writers out there care to share a memorable *blink blink* moment? We’ve all had them. Of all kinds. What’s your (humiliating/brow-raising/infuriating/etc) experience? We all love a good story! #BlinkBlinkWriterMoment BEGINS! Whether you were on the receiving end or you’ve dished it out yourself, I would love to see what kind of hilarity will ensue! Cheers!

An Office Tale

Storytime. Boss goes to Lowe’s. Finds canvas print in clearance bin for $1.57. Buys it for me. Doesn’t remove the price tag. Returns to office. Hands it to me. I laugh and thank him for his immense generosity. We hang it up on the wall. We stand back and look at it………….I break the silence, “Soooo, I’m not sure how to handle the fact that you basically bought me a metaphor of my life. And then hung it up for me to stare at every day while I’m here in this place….Not really sure what kind of message you’re trying…

To the Male Sex: A Letter of Apology

To all the men out there, I apologize.

On behalf of my sex, I will admit we are not perfect. I, personally, have made so many terrible errors in the dating scene. I’ve hurt many people, just as they have hurt me. But that doesn’t mean my actions were justified. I realized recently that I haven’t been able to forget or “let go” of some past relationships because I’ve been so fixated on the fact that they hurt me. It dawned on me this morning: I hurt them, too, because that’s just how relationships are. (Duh, but you’d be surprised how long it took me to reach this obvious conclusion.)

And I finally brought myself to finally say the words, “I’m sorry.”

I Suck At Saying “Thanks”

I’ve been working on my inability to take compliments well.

I shy away from being the center of attention; I don’t like having all eyes on me. (Irony that I’m a blogger on the worldwide net? Naaah. I have my computer to hide behind, mwuahaha!)

By the suggestion of many friends, and with some firm nudging from my closest amigos, I am learning the phrase, “Thank you.” Just like that. Simply “thank you.” Not the phrase, “Oh-well-no-not-really-excusesexcusesexcuses-blahblah-annoying-runaround-to-get-myself-out-of-the-compliment-no-just-shut-up-Jess—(gasp!)—BUT THANK YOU!” *smile* (ding!)

Yeah. I do that. A lot.

Daily Haiku #1

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