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Tag: Redhead

Sunday Sailor

Trail Mix It Up

Feeling a little sassy today. #sassybutclassy#passthechocolate #noms #friskyfriday #butitssaturday

Parasitic Residue

When the pain is sometimes too real…

Typewriter Repair Shop Day

Typewriter Repair Shop Day! 🙂 Picking up three, dropping off–…uhhhh… #Houston… #Ihaveaproblem#dontjudgeme #butmomatleastitsnotdrugs

Photo Bomber

Little known fact about me: In addition to underwater basket-weaving, I have also mastered the art of photo-bombing. A sure-fire hit at parties, weddings, and in overpopulated, stereotypical, touristy locations. You can imagine how popular I am amongst my friends…However, I feel like I’m doing them a service–a necessary survival exercise, if you will–keeps people on their toes, always alert and on the lookout for the Ginger Flash. She’s always out there. Lurking. Waiting…  #nomorecoffee #butseriously #takeitaway #itsmyfriday #dontjudgeme

Haiku #108

Cottage in the Woods

Nostalgia is a symptom of the changing seasons…and my goodness how I miss our Cottage in the woods. Cold, dreary days weren’t so unbearable next to a roaring fire, cup of tea in hand. A mere 600 square feet, but I miss it more than anything. Tiny house living is now a MUST; I wouldn’t have it any other way. So many cozy memories. Anyone else have the tiny house bug??? ❤

Fall Writing Conferences 2014

Quick update! I swear I haven’t checked out! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to attend a few writing conferences these past few weeks and I pounced at the chance to learn more about this ever-changing market. Sounds boring, sure, but I cannot recommend them enough for both novice and seasoned writers alike! You basically have an open forum to ask experienced authors/editors/agents/publishers any and all questions, and do some killer networking. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of exposure and education. So go forth and research writing conferences/workshops in your region! Well worth your time and money.…

Queen of Hearts

An oldie, but a goodie! 🙂

True 20/20

Late night musings and conversations. Because beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. ❤ And he be-holdin’!

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