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Tag: prose

The Adventurer

The spoils of my big city conquest: a Hermes “Baby” Rocket in excellent condition, most commonly known as the typewriter used by field-correspondents in WWII. Still working on a name…we’re getting acquainted first. His maiden voyage: “The Adventurer”…

Ode to a Fermented Apple

On Prose and Clouds (Recollections Series)

Know Your Fruit, Boys

Mad Scientist

How My Love Lusts for You


Insomniac Prayers

Sticks and Stones…

My take on the old saying…

Discovery & Confidence

Request for Poetry on Demand by #TheGodfatherOfInstagram @eddiecabbage. He’s always pushing me and challenging me to improve upon my skill. So grateful for his friendship and to have the honor of being his apprentice. 😉

Haiku #103

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