#WhatIReallyDo Full-time writing isn’t always typing and musing…the admin work, website, Etsy, emails, etc, won’t manage themselves. What does your #WritersLife look like?
Freelance Writer, Editor, Poet, and Communications Consultant
Freelance Writer, Editor, Poet, and Communications Consultant
#WhatIReallyDo Full-time writing isn’t always typing and musing…the admin work, website, Etsy, emails, etc, won’t manage themselves. What does your #WritersLife look like?
Life is alive. And it has never felt so good to breathe it in. Blog post to come soon on this very topic.
As of 8:05 a.m. this morning, I am a free agent. Floating. I have no base. No dock. No boundaries. No limits.
The company I worked for had lost two big clients in a matter of months, and I knew my part-time tech writer position was on the line since business was slow and the revenue had taken a hit. But it was still a shock to have my boss hand me my notice and final paycheck saying I could leave: “There’s no reason for you to stay.”
It was bittersweet. I liked working as a technical writer, and my employers were kind and genuine people who ran a tight ship. I respected them, which made this part even harder. But as I walked to my car, arms clasping the classic banker’s box filled with what meager items I owned at the office, I felt relief. Which excited and scared me at the same time. I felt guilty for being relieved…but guilt was soon mixed with a sense of freedom and adventure; I could finally chase what I have been dreaming of doing for years…I could finally pursue my writing with nothing, nor anyone, to hold me back.