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Tag: handwriting

Pop Up Poetry 03.03.2015

Improv Pop Up Napkin Poetry with my dear friend, Sharalyn…   Our two loves as our first prompts for one another… 🙂 Falafel for me, Spring for her…Falafel was the first thing she thought of, and I gave her Spring since Winter was giving her the seasonal blues. 🙂  

Haiku #114

Managed to sneak in a handwritten haiku during the move on the only paper I could find… Writing will resume soon and I cannot wait to have my new writing corner! Woo!

Haiku #113

Long time no see! I forgot how much I missed doing my daily haikus…such good calligraphy practice and good mental discipline. Here’s a little inspiration and encouragement for all you writers and non-writers alike! Have a lovely weekend!

Haiku #110

*Star-Crossed Fool* Series. My dear, foolish lover….the star-crossed sky is no place to look when she is standing right before you. Do not look up and dedicate the stars to her when you should be dedicating your all to her.

Haiku #109

I had the pleasure and honor of composing this haiku with the help of my dearest friend and colleague, @eddiecabbage.This pale canvas MuseColoring outside the linesPaint us whole again.


Because it’s Fall! And Fall is beautiful. I’ve missed you, #calligraphy! Except that my pen nib choked at the last word…oh well. Scent of dewy earth and smoky breezeMulch of color beneath booted feetGripping tight life’s warmth in cupped handsAs leaves turn and blush in the arms of their wooded lovers.

Sunday Sailor

Haiku #108

Love Letter 3

A Three-Part Love Poem:    

Haiku #107

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