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Tag: ginger

Miss Fortune (a poem, handwritten)

Wake Up Calls & Coffee

I Suck At Saying “Thanks”

I’ve been working on my inability to take compliments well.

I shy away from being the center of attention; I don’t like having all eyes on me. (Irony that I’m a blogger on the worldwide net? Naaah. I have my computer to hide behind, mwuahaha!)

By the suggestion of many friends, and with some firm nudging from my closest amigos, I am learning the phrase, “Thank you.” Just like that. Simply “thank you.” Not the phrase, “Oh-well-no-not-really-excusesexcusesexcuses-blahblah-annoying-runaround-to-get-myself-out-of-the-compliment-no-just-shut-up-Jess—(gasp!)—BUT THANK YOU!” *smile* (ding!)

Yeah. I do that. A lot.

Awesome Facts About Redheads

What kind of ginger would I be if I didn’t include some of the most fascinating facts about my species? I’ve compiled a list of random facts about redheads, found on none other than the 100% trustworthy interwebness. Enjoy! Natural red hair is harder to dye than other shades. Headstrong as it is, ginger hair holds its pigment much firmer than any other hair color. If redheads desired to dye their hair to any other color (why would you?), it would only have a noticeable difference after bleaching the hair beforehand. Otherwise, the color won’t take. Bleaching, of course, is…


This dream has been a long time coming. Years of contemplation, one decision, then months of hard work to build this blog from the ground up. I think every writer has a vision for how they imagine their work will turn out, but there is no guarantee; our own imaginations can surprise us and even our creation can have a mind of its own, resulting in something we never thought we were capable of. I am a sentimentalist and hopeless romantic by nature, but I find it awkward to reveal that side of myself most of the time. However, I…

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