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Because it’s Fall! And Fall is beautiful. I’ve missed you, #calligraphy! Except that my pen nib choked at the last word…oh well. Scent of dewy earth and smoky breezeMulch of color beneath booted feetGripping tight life’s warmth in cupped handsAs leaves turn and blush in the arms of their wooded lovers.

My Forever Vow

Inspired by @matthewaubreymurphy‘s latest poem, the following is a mirror-response prose to this stunning soul of a writer (I intentionally mirrored his word choice and style because, well, duh, he’s brilliant–FOLLOW HIM. Do it. #peerpressure). I recommend reading his poem first before reading my response for it to make sense (naturally), so I posted it below. NOTE! I do NOT disagree that there is beauty to, and at times a necessity for, temporary love. I believe in the power of brief meetings, breathtaking moments with souls that are just as desperate and lost as we are, and within that tiny snapshot of life, they change us forever whether we realize it or not. But…guilty hopeless romantic here because, at the end of the day, I will always be an advocate for those Forever Loves because they truly exist! (Thank God.) And I would hate to ignore their intense value by only spotlighting the temporal. Matt and I have discussed this topic at length, and I am honored that he permitted me to write this in response to him. I’m in awe with this guy. He is one of the purest souls I have met while building this mess of a writing career I’m trying to get off the ground, and I’m blessed to call him my friend. This is for you, Matt. Because you deserve, we all deserve, a Forever Love with that one person who beautifies our messes and ruffles our obsession with perfection. Who gets us. Dedicated to all you long-term relationship peeps and fellow hopeless rom’s. Love to you all. #forever #love #versus #temporary #lovers

Supporting Writers Sunday: Eddie Cabbage

On Eddie Cabbage: The Rhetorical Truth from the Rhetorical Redhead

Eddie Cabbage, the TruthI dubbed @eddiecabbage” #TheGodfatherOfInstagram” a long time ago as a joke. But soon, our inside joke became quite a fitting name…and so it stuck. I have been fortunate to have Eddie as a friend and colleague for the past eight months, and he has taught me so much about myself, my writing process, the joys and evils of Instagram, and the rapidly-changing writer-world we live in. I’ve witnessed so many other writers praising Eddie for his honesty and Truth-seeking journey, while other writers verbally gang rape him both publicly and behind his back. It’s a funny culture we live in, where immediate gratification is celebrated and constructive criticism is damned; Eddie holds no shame in calling writers out when plagiarizing or proving “two-faced”–in short, he holds the Instagram writing community accountable. And honestly, you can’t argue with his logic. I’ve noted that most people who hate and/or verbally bash Eddie just don’t “get it.” And by “it,” I mean The Big Picture. Sure, earlier on in our friendship I questioned if I should be backing this unfiltered, no-muss no-fuss, fearless, outwardly raw, and brutally honest writer. Sometimes his blunt nature shocked me and/or made me feel uncomfortable…but he was always right. His intentions were always pure and his points were always valid. So when I questioned his motives or his actions, I found him guilty of nothing other than being truthful and open in a society that thrives off manipulative personas and false/instant success.

Haiku #108

Cottage in the Woods

Nostalgia is a symptom of the changing seasons…and my goodness how I miss our Cottage in the woods. Cold, dreary days weren’t so unbearable next to a roaring fire, cup of tea in hand. A mere 600 square feet, but I miss it more than anything. Tiny house living is now a MUST; I wouldn’t have it any other way. So many cozy memories. Anyone else have the tiny house bug??? ❤

Fall Writing Conferences 2014

Quick update! I swear I haven’t checked out! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to attend a few writing conferences these past few weeks and I pounced at the chance to learn more about this ever-changing market. Sounds boring, sure, but I cannot recommend them enough for both novice and seasoned writers alike! You basically have an open forum to ask experienced authors/editors/agents/publishers any and all questions, and do some killer networking. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of exposure and education. So go forth and research writing conferences/workshops in your region! Well worth your time and money.…

Queen of Hearts

An oldie, but a goodie! 🙂

True 20/20

Late night musings and conversations. Because beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. ❤ And he be-holdin’!

The Awakening

“The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude….How strange and awful it seemed to stand naked under the sky! how delicious! She felt like some new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never known.” Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”

Love Letter 3

A Three-Part Love Poem:    

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