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Quick Update 04.10.2015

First things first: I simply want to thank you all for continuing to follow along on this writing journey of mine. But I also wanted to give you guys a quick update on my goings-on since I know I have ‘mysteriously disappeared’ for the week… Indeed, I am still participating in the A-to-Z Challenge for my blog. However, as briefly mentioned when I first blogged in the series, I signed up at the very last minute after some persuasion by another writer friend, and, in addition to being late to the party, the timing was very unfortunate as the challenge began…


Day 2 – “B” as in “Busking”

BDay 2 of the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, and on to the letter “B.” Which, today, is for “Busking.” This word is not widely-known, and that’s perfectly understandable. I had no clue what busking was until this last year. It is a very archaic term–let’s shed some light on it with an education moment, brought to you by (of course) the letter B….

In the Oxford Dictionary, “busk” is defined as the following:

[to] play music or otherwise perform for voluntary donations in the street or in subways (Oxford Dictionary, 2015).

To simplify that and make it tangible, a busker is basically a street performer, selling their talent on the street for public donations. The Oxford Dictionary goes on to explain a little bit of the “busking” origin:

Busking used to take place not in shopping centres but at sea. The word busk comes from Italian buscare or Spanish buscar, which both mean ‘to seek’. Its earliest use in English was in the nautical sense ‘cruise about, tack’. This became extended to mean ‘go about selling things’, and then, in the middle of the 19th century, ‘go about performing’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2015).

While that’s all fine and dandy, you’re probably wondering what busking has to do with my blog challenge theme of Poetry. And that’s fair. But what many people don’t know about me is that busking has everything to do with Poetry if you’re in my little corner of the world, and that is precisely what I wish to share with you in this post.


Day 1 – “A” as in “Alpha”

AAs per some persuasion by a dear friend and colleague, I have signed up to take on the A-to-Z Challenge for the month of April. Since I hurriedly signed up this evening with mere hours to spare, I feel prompted to use the only theme that immediately came to mind: Poetry…for National Poetry Month, but also because, for some bizarre reason, my genre of poetry writing has taken off these last few months and it has manifested itself in the most wonderful ways (which will be explained in a later post).

On that note, for Day 1 of this Challenge, I am using “Alpha” for my “A” post. It is no coincidence, I think, that exactly one year ago today, I embarked on the best journey of my life–April 1st, 2014 was the day I quit my full-time job to pursue my writing career. It was my beginning. My true genesis. My Alpha. And looking back over the last 12 months, I can see a series of tiny yet significant events that led up to this very anniversary, and I am now pursuing poetry (surprisingly, out of all the genres I love to write) more than ever because of that precise series of events. It all feels so surreal and crazy, but I have never felt more alive nor more at peace with myself and my life than I do now.

What I Really Do…

#WhatIReallyDo Full-time writing isn’t always typing and musing…the admin work, website, Etsy, emails, etc, won’t manage themselves. 😉 What does your #WritersLife look like?

Where to Go, What to Do

As of 8:05 a.m. this morning, I am a free agent. Floating. I have no base. No dock. No boundaries. No limits.

The company I worked for had lost two big clients in a matter of months, and I knew my part-time tech writer position was on the line since business was slow and the revenue had taken a hit. But it was still a shock to have my boss hand me my notice and final paycheck saying I could leave: “There’s no reason for you to stay.”

It was bittersweet. I liked working as a technical writer, and my employers were kind and genuine people who ran a tight ship. I respected them, which made this part even harder. But as I walked to my car, arms clasping the classic banker’s box filled with what meager items I owned at the office, I felt relief. Which excited and scared me at the same time. I felt guilty for being relieved…but guilt was soon mixed with a sense of freedom and adventure; I could finally chase what I have been dreaming of doing for years…I could finally pursue my writing with nothing, nor anyone, to hold me back.

Quote by Marianne Williamson

What’s not to love about this poem by Marianne Williamson? What an encouraging and insightful piece of prose! I have this sitting on my writing desk for inspiration, and as a daily reminder of who I am and who He calls me to be, as a woman, as a friend, as a wife, and as a writer. As the year closes and a new one dawns, I draw upon this poem for what my goals and desires for this next year will look like. A new chapter is opening for me and my writing career; there is no room for…

Pop Up Poetry On Demand 12.16.2014

My dear friend, Eddie Cabbage, and I decided to do a non-collaboration by hosting Pop Up Poetry On Demand together this evening, combining my #PopUpPoetry and his #PoetryOnDemand. We opened up our Instagram feed to poetry subjects as requested by our followers and friends alike, and the following post is a gallery of what we came up with: 12 custom poems by each writer, so 24 total. (Yes, a long post, but we promise it’s worth the read!) I’m always in awe of Eddie’s improv poem abilities, and I am beyond blessed and privileged to have him as my mentor, my colleague, and most importantly, my invaluable friend. Thanks for such a fun evening, everyone! And remember, you can purchase these poems via Etsy as a 2-poem-package, typed and signed by Eddie and me. Enjoy!

You can follow @eddiecabbage on Instagram and on his website at

Comments beneath each image are written by the respective author.

PUP Having No Idea Where Life is Going

First #PopUpPoetryOnDemand piece for @zacharyburlingame. (Apologies for the delay, I’m doing this in public tonight, hah! Lovely little interruptions.) An excellent prompt, my friend. I definitely feel you on this. ❤ Best wishes to you. Check out @eddiecabbage for his interpretation of this prompt for Mr. Burlingame!

Pop Up Poetry On Demand Begins!

LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! #PopUpPoetryOnDemand is coming to an Instagram feed near you. Like RIGHT MEOW. (We are combining my #PopUpPoetry and Eddie’s #PoetryOnDemand.) Now accepting poem requests via Instagram. Please think of some good subjects as @eddiecabbage and I will only be choosing 12 tonight! You are permitted to comment a request only once (well, you can submit multiple but we will only consider your first). At the end of the evening there will be 24 original poems, which will be available to purchase as 2-poem-bundles from Eddie will be mailing his 12 signed poems plus an additional 2…

Pop Up Poetry: “Polar Bear on a Pogo Stick”

Surprise #PopUpPoetry moment…Struck up a conversation with a guy at a coffeeshop. Turns out he’s a writer too. He jokingly tossed out, “So you’d write about a polar bear on a pogo stick if I asked you to?” I laughed with him. But he wasn’t expecting me to actually deliver. Should’ve seen his face. So great chatting with you, Erick. Best of luck in your ventures! #ladyofmyword #neverbackdown#youvebeenwarned

Prince of Darkness

Forgot about this dark lil’ number I wrote a few months ago. (A poem request by a follower on how darkness reveals.)

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