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Tag: ArchiveCoffeeAndBar

What I Really Do…

#WhatIReallyDo Full-time writing isn’t always typing and musing…the admin work, website, Etsy, emails, etc, won’t manage themselves. 😉 What does your #WritersLife look like?

Pop Up Poetry Practice: Artists’ Reception

Practicing new paper size and timing for tomorrow’s gig at @broadwaycoffeehouse. Eddie is always pushing me to put forth my best performance. Thanks for the prompts, my friend. 🙂

PUP Roadtrip Adventure


More below!

Pop Up Poetry: “Fantasy of Absurdity”

Pop Up Poetry: “A Bird Without Joy”

#PopUpPoetry for my beloved bartender at@archivecoffeeandbar. #TipYourBartenderInPoetry “A Bird Without Joy” for Josh. He has the best requests. My kind of #oldsoul. ❤

Pop Up Poetry On Demand 12.16.2014

My dear friend, Eddie Cabbage, and I decided to do a non-collaboration by hosting Pop Up Poetry On Demand together this evening, combining my #PopUpPoetry and his #PoetryOnDemand. We opened up our Instagram feed to poetry subjects as requested by our followers and friends alike, and the following post is a gallery of what we came up with: 12 custom poems by each writer, so 24 total. (Yes, a long post, but we promise it’s worth the read!) I’m always in awe of Eddie’s improv poem abilities, and I am beyond blessed and privileged to have him as my mentor, my colleague, and most importantly, my invaluable friend. Thanks for such a fun evening, everyone! And remember, you can purchase these poems via Etsy as a 2-poem-package, typed and signed by Eddie and me. Enjoy!

You can follow @eddiecabbage on Instagram and on his website at

Comments beneath each image are written by the respective author.

PUP Having No Idea Where Life is Going

First #PopUpPoetryOnDemand piece for @zacharyburlingame. (Apologies for the delay, I’m doing this in public tonight, hah! Lovely little interruptions.) An excellent prompt, my friend. I definitely feel you on this. ❤ Best wishes to you. Check out @eddiecabbage for his interpretation of this prompt for Mr. Burlingame!

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