My dear friend, Eddie Cabbage, and I decided to do a non-collaboration by hosting Pop Up Poetry On Demand together this evening, combining my #PopUpPoetry and his #PoetryOnDemand. We opened up our Instagram feed to poetry subjects as requested by our followers and friends alike, and the following post is a gallery of what we came up with: 12 custom poems by each writer, so 24 total. (Yes, a long post, but we promise it’s worth the read!) I’m always in awe of Eddie’s improv poem abilities, and I am beyond blessed and privileged to have him as my mentor, my colleague, and most importantly, my invaluable friend. Thanks for such a fun evening, everyone! And remember, you can purchase these poems via Etsy as a 2-poem-package, typed and signed by Eddie and me. Enjoy!
You can follow @eddiecabbage on Instagram and on his website at
Comments beneath each image are written by the respective author.
First #PopUpPoetryOnDemand piece for @zacharyburlingame. (Apologies for the delay, I’m doing this in public tonight, hah! Lovely little interruptions.) An excellent prompt, my friend. I definitely feel you on this. Best wishes to you. Check out @eddiecabbage for his interpretation of this prompt for Mr. Burlingame!
A poem for @zacharyburlingame for Pop Up Poetry On Demand night. “Having No Idea Where Life is Headed.” I am excited to see what @rhetoricalredhead comes up with.
Second #PopUpPoetryOnDemand for tonight goes to@brad0794. Speaking of…the Maduri’s Delight I’m having at @archivecoffeeandbar is kicking in. Ha. Pluggin’ along! Check out @eddiecabbage‘s take on “Finding it at the bottom of a bottle.”
“Finding it at the Bottom of a Bottle” a custom Poetry request from @brad0794 for Pop Up Poetry On Demand night. Visit @rhetoricalredhead to enter your topic for consideration. We have 10 more to go tonight.
Third option to @whitters354 for “The Meaning of Sacrifice.” Keep the awesome topics coming! @eddiecabbage and I are just warming up!
“The Meaning of Sacrifice” for @whitters354. Custom poem number 3 for Pop Up Poetry On Demand tonight. Visit @rhetoricalredhead and comment you requested subject. We are choosing 12 to each type our own poetic take on.
4/12 for tonight: “Feeling Inadequate” as requested by @r.a.foreman. Good topic, my man. But wow. I will be completely honest in the fact that I struggled with this one for some reason! Woof. I’m excited to see @eddiecabbage‘s take…
“Feeling Inadequate” for @r.a.foreman as my custom poetry piece for tonight’s Pop Up Poetry On Demand. Don’t forget to visit @rhetoricalredheadand comment your desired subject. Jessica and I are both typing 12 original poems tonight and will be offering them at as two poem bundles for each subject chosen.
I’ve lost count for #PopUpPoetryOnDemand. That’s what @eddiecabbage is for haha! “Timing” for@katebianchi. (5/12)
“Timing” for @katebianchi I typed on a piece of 100% cotton linen….@rhetoricalredhead chose this as her 3rd selection for Pop Up Poetry On Demand and our number 5/12 for the night. Make sure to visit to purchase the 2 poem subject poem bundles from tonight.
6/12 with “Unrequited Love” for @xxostevie. @eddiecabbage I’m slowly catching up hehehe. #PopUpPoetryOnDemandBring on the topics, guys! We’re loving it! Thank you for your participation thus far!
“Unrequited Love” for @xxostevie as my 3rd selection and 6/12 custom poems for the night for Pop Up Poetry On Demand. @rhetoricalredhead will be typing and posting her artist vision as well so please check it out. All 2 poem subjects will be available as a bundle tomorrow on her Etsy Shop listed on her profile.
So after 6 poems for Pop Up Poetry On Demand night with @rhetoricalredhead, this is my short intermission treat. I eat my Reese’s to the sound of typewriter DINGS!@eddiecabbage I see your intermission chocolate and raise you an entire bar. #PopUpPoetryOnDemand will resume shortly, my sweet peoples! Thanks for joining in on a random weeknight!
Intermission is over! Back to the typewriters!
7/12 with “Old School Pocketwatches” for @_sita_. Such a fun topic. Nostalgic! Thanks chica!
“Old School Pocketwatches” for @_sita_ part of Pop Up Poetry On Demand tonight. @rhetoricalredhead will be posting her artistic spin soon on this subject.
This is the point of the evening where @eddiecabbage starts kicking me in the @$$. #PopUpPoetryOnDemandpresents “Unconditional Love” for @baby_cakes0657. (8/12)
“Unconditional Love” requested by@baby_cakes0657 for Pop up Poetry On Demand hosted by @rhetoricalredhead and myself.#eddiecabbage#poetryondemand Don’t forget, all of these poems will be available for purchase as 2 poem bundles from tomorrow.
Number 9/12 for #PopUpPoetryOnDemand tonight. @eddiecabbage is doing phenomenal. This is why he’s a legend. This man pumps out these poems with little to effort. And now, “Scars” for @mutepoet.
Selection 9/12 for tonight’s Pop Up Poetry On Demand is “scars” for @mutepoet.
Truckin’ along behind #TheGodfatherOfInstagram @eddiecabbage who has already smoked me hahaha. Number 10/12 for #PopUpPoetryOnDemand tonight. We will be selling these dual poems as a package on my Etsy once we’re finished. Thanks to everyone for joining in the hullabaloo! “Starting Over, New Beginnings” for @catcullen05.
“Starting Over” for @catcullen05 …mine is a little old west style…hope you like.
Number 11/12 for #PopUpPoetryOnDemand with @eddiecabbage.“She Drinks Whiskey in a Teacup” for @frankeyredd. Fun prompt! Thanks for making this so great! Thank you to everyone who participated! Last post of mine coming right up….
“She Drinks her Whiskey in a Tea Cup” for @frankeyredd ….this is my number 11/12 for tonight’s Pop Up Poetry On Demand hosted by @rhetoricalredhead and myself.
Finally 12/12 for #PopUpPoetryOnDemand with “Flutterings” for @mehrlungani. I had SO much fun doing this side-by-side with @eddiecabbage. It’s as exhilarating as it is challenging, and I have a huge respect for what this man does for a LIVING. I know I’m in good hands though, and I cannot wait to #notcollab with Eddie again. All poems from tonight’s event are up on my Etsy for sale as a 2-poem package deal, which comes with all my extra goodies, courtesy of Rhetorical Redhead and Mr. Cabbage. Cheers, everyone, and thanks again!
“Flutterings” for @mehrlungani …so this is it. Number 12/12 of my Pop Up Poetry On Demand selections. I had a wonderful time and am so proud of @rhetoricalredhead and in awe of the much longer and more intricate poems she produced this evening. I had the comfort of my home writing desk while she was out in public typing away. A last reminder. Jessica will have all of these poems as 2-poem bundles available to purchase from her Etsy shop tomorrow. Just visit All poems I wrote tonight will be in the mail along with 2 additional signed copies of each for orders to her. Thank you to all that participated and commented a requested subject. I do apologize we couldn’t do more than 12. Much love–Eddie.
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! #PopUpPoetryOnDemand is coming to an Instagram feed near you. Like RIGHT MEOW. (We are combining my #PopUpPoetry and Eddie's #PoetryOnDemand.) Now accepting poem requests via Instagram. Please think of some good subjects as @eddiecabbage and I will only be choosing 12 tonight! You are permitted to comment…
Grueling yet incredible practice round with @eddiecabbage @poetryondemand as I prep for my first #PopUpPoetry #PUP night THIS FRIDAY 11/28 (6 PST/9 EST)!!! I am so excited to have y'all participate and I encourage you to get some juicy and original topics thought up for me to tackle! (Check my previous…
Request for Poetry on Demand by #TheGodfatherOfInstagram @eddiecabbage. He's always pushing me and challenging me to improve upon my skill. So grateful for his friendship and to have the honor of being his apprentice. ;)