Last night I mustered up my beginner’s courage to host my first ever #PopUpPoetry night via Instagram. “Pop Up Poetry” is essentially “busking.” A busker is someone who entertains in a public place for donations. The idea is that I would set up a desk with my typewriter in any location I please (hence “pop up”) and will accept poetry requests from passerby, typea poem on the spot, read it aloud and hand it to them (for a hopeful donation, because, let’s be honest, we writers are poor). I have been toying with the idea for months, desiring to practice this winter and be ready to hit the streets LIVE come spring. So, with some wonderful encouragement from my friend and colleague, Eddie Cabbage, I set out to conquer the online poetry busking challenge. Starting at 6:00pmPST/9:00pmEST last night, I opened up the gates to accept original poem requests. As this was my first time doing “live requests” from the public, I selected, typed, and posted as many poem requests as I was able (I received over 50, wow!). I was able to create eight original pieces in a matter of a few hours, which wasn’t bad considering I’m fighting off the flu right now. I was overwhelmed and flattered by everyone’s responses; so many followers, friends, and strangers joined in to make the “event” such a fun interactive experience for everyone, which is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. Prompts and requests poured in and were rather eclectic, which made choosing just a handful really hard! Overall it was such a positive and fun experience, and I truly hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you to everyone who participated–this is always about YOU! Without you none of this awesomeness comes to life! All poems typed last night will be listed on my Etsy for purchase. I have included all the poems below, as well as some “practice” poems that Eddie threw my way in order to warm up my fingers, my creative juices, and to rev Ulrich’s mechanical engines (Ulrich is my WWII Hermes “Baby” Rocket typewriter on which I typed all these pieces). Thanks again and enjoy! —>>>
My first request I selected was for @kytyper, titled “Typewriters!” I naturally *had* to snatch this one up as my very first #PUP request! Ulrich was pretty happy about this one, too….
Up next was “Fishing in the perspective of a child” for @niktiw. Made me reminisce about summers as a kid….
“How the idea of marriage is seducing” was quite a fun topic to tackle, proposed by @termi_nathan….
Miss @xoxomelhawty tossed “The G spot in the vagina” my way, and I scooped up her challenge with fervor, mixing sensual with humor to produce this lil’ guy….
There was quite a common request for women/mothers/single mothers so I took @sophiejaye_ ‘s request and typed out “Daughter watching her mother struggle and come out on top”….
Always looking to test my limits and prove to myself that no topic is too intimidating, I accepted @isaiahlove777 ‘s request of “The woman caught in adultery that Jesus saved from being stoned” after a moment of hesitation. I’m glad I didn’t hesitate too long….
HALFTIME BREAK! Posted this practice piece for Eddie….
I simply HAD to do “Life as a dog” for @ontheroadtoforever, as I just lost my 14-year-old puppy a few weeks ago, and his love is still lingering….
My flu caught up with me by this point of the evening, so my final piece went to @brad0794 with “Stars beneath our feet” because, I normally avoid “stars” and “galaxies” and “universe” and all other cliché words that poets use far too often these days…but I made an exception for this sweet gentleman who has followed me for a very long time. Thank you for supporting me from the beginning, my friend. And thanks again to everyone who made this such a success!!! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and humility. You people are wonderful. Have a wonderful day!
And now for some bonus poems that I whipped up while Eddie challenged me to a practice round earlier this week. I had so much fun with his rapid-fire prompts and tough-love coaching. I owe so much to that guy. Thanks again, my friend. You make this whole experience seem a bit less scary and intimidating.
Thank you for reading! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Cheers!