Little known fact about me:
In addition to underwater basket-weaving, I have also mastered the art of photo-bombing. A sure-fire hit at parties, weddings, and in overpopulated, stereotypical, touristy locations. You can imagine how popular I am amongst my friends…However, I feel like I’m doing them a service–a necessary survival exercise, if you will–keeps people on their toes, always alert and on the lookout for the Ginger Flash. She’s always out there. Lurking. Waiting… #nomorecoffee #butseriously #takeitaway #itsmyfriday #dontjudgeme

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Just woke up from a dream:I disobeyed an order on the battlefield and, as punishment, my commander was to take my pointer finger. I convinced him to take my pinky reasoning--I still wanted to be able to draw my bow, and I would be a useless warrior without it.…
December 20, 2014
In "Blog"
What kind of ginger would I be if I didn't include some of the most fascinating facts about my species? I've compiled a list of random facts about redheads, found on none other than the 100% trustworthy interwebness. Enjoy! Natural red hair is harder to dye than other shades. Headstrong…
March 31, 2014
In "Blog"

Because I have the coolest friends. :) Thanks, Joel!
June 18, 2014
In "Blog"