When a friend tries to apologize for ranting…you respond in the only way any kind, caring, and understanding friend would…with humor and a slap on the back. #TuesdayBruiseDay #SlapsAreGoodForYou #SoIsVenting #ExfoliateTheSoul #MyLifePoetic

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Can I get an "AMEN"?! #andperhapsahallelujahThere you go, boys. Eat your heart out.
@melodramatic.fool @eddiecabbage #LettersToAFriendSeries
January 22, 2015
In "Poetry"

I've always loved to draw. Here's a sketch of my little yeti friend. He likes poetry, daisies, and long walks on the beach.
June 27, 2014
In "Blog"

Practicing new paper size and timing for tomorrow's gig at @broadwaycoffeehouse. Eddie is always pushing me to put forth my best performance. Thanks for the prompts, my friend. :) More below!
February 4, 2015
In "Poetry"