Moving is hard. Buying a house and moving is harder….Cleaning this jacuzzi tub was hard. Convincing me to get out will be harder. #kickingandscreaming #legsfordays #bathtubaficionado
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Learning to Relax
Repeat selfie setting, but I don't care. This is my crazy life and I welcome you into it! What do YOU do to relax? Moving to a new house still sucks. But at least there's a tub and some wine and plenty of reading material to soothe my muscles and…
January 17, 2015
In "Blog"

Haiku #114
Managed to sneak in a handwritten haiku during the move on the only paper I could find... Writing will resume soon and I cannot wait to have my new writing corner! Woo!
January 18, 2015
In "Poetry"

First Time Homebuyers
We liked we put a ring on it. #firsttimehomebuyers #adulting #andwinning#timetobuystuffwedontneed #likemorebooks #andtypewriters And now you loverlies know why I've been MIA for the past two months! Thank you ALL for always reading and making this career of mine one helluvah ride! #backtowork
January 7, 2015
In "Blog"