Poetry On Demand “Redheads” by @eddiecabbage
My good friend @eddiecabbage (found on Instagram) has been making a name for himself in the poetry community. He created a niche for himself with his weekly “Poetry On Demand” sessions, where he accepts prompts from anyone and everyone and will type you a poem on the spot based upon your desired theme/word/phrase. Brilliant. This week, I gave it a stab and tossed out “Redheads” as a prompt for kicks and giggles. Here’s what the ingenious man came up with….Be sure to check him out!

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I don't always do #mcm...but when I do, it's for this handsome devil. If you aren't following #TheGodfatherOfInstagram it's time to join the Mob. REPOST FROM @eddiecabbage: "...New to my Etsy Shop listed on my profile ... signed and numbered typewritten copies of the poem #strongconfidentwoman published in @theindiechicks Summer…
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In "Poetry"

Ever wise and without embellishment, our advocate for Truth and Integrity: @eddiecabbage. Check this genius' work on his website. He may have "flown the Instagram Writers' Coop" per se, but he has plenty of ammo cocked and loaded for the rest of us shits still roosting on those feeds. Cheers, you…
November 13, 2014
In "Poetry"

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May 20, 2014
In "Poetry"