Nostalgia is a symptom of the changing seasons…and my goodness how I miss our Cottage in the woods. Cold, dreary days weren’t so unbearable next to a roaring fire, cup of tea in hand. A mere 600 square feet, but I miss it more than anything. Tiny house living is now a MUST; I wouldn’t have it any other way. So many cozy memories. Anyone else have the tiny house bug???
Cottage in the Woods
Published inBlog
I have the bug, and I have the help of Lina Menard ( when more of my finances are free’d up…
Ohhhh, goodness, right?! The ideas are never-ending!
Isn’t it just fun?!
I should add, her consulting company is called Niche Consulting, if you wish more info, that can be found here !
Oh, thank you! I appreciate the referral!