Typewriter Repair Shop Day! Picking up three, dropping off–…uhhhh… #Houston… #Ihaveaproblem#dontjudgeme #butmomatleastitsnotdrugs
Freelance Writer, Editor, Poet, and Communications Consultant
Typewriter Repair Shop Day! Picking up three, dropping off–…uhhhh… #Houston… #Ihaveaproblem#dontjudgeme #butmomatleastitsnotdrugs
Little known fact about me: In addition to underwater basket-weaving, I have also mastered the art of photo-bombing. A sure-fire hit at parties, weddings, and in overpopulated, stereotypical, touristy locations. You can imagine how popular I am amongst my friends…However, I feel like I’m doing them a service–a necessary survival exercise, if you will–keeps people on their toes, always alert and on the lookout for the Ginger Flash. She’s always out there. Lurking. Waiting… #nomorecoffee #butseriously #takeitaway #itsmyfriday #dontjudgeme
Nostalgia is a symptom of the changing seasons…and my goodness how I miss our Cottage in the woods. Cold, dreary days weren’t so unbearable next to a roaring fire, cup of tea in hand. A mere 600 square feet, but I miss it more than anything. Tiny house living is now a MUST; I wouldn’t have it any other way. So many cozy memories. Anyone else have the tiny house bug???
Quick update! I swear I haven’t checked out! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to attend a few writing conferences these past few weeks and I pounced at the chance to learn more about this ever-changing market. Sounds boring, sure, but I cannot recommend them enough for both novice and seasoned writers alike! You basically have an open forum to ask experienced authors/editors/agents/publishers any and all questions, and do some killer networking. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of exposure and education. So go forth and research writing conferences/workshops in your region! Well worth your time and money.…
An oldie, but a goodie!
Late night musings and conversations. Because beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. And he be-holdin’!
“The voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude….How strange and awful it seemed to stand naked under the sky! how delicious! She felt like some new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never known.” Kate Chopin’s “The Awakening”
I’M OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Click the “STORE” tab on the far right of this site’s menu header, or go to www.etsy.com/shop/theRhetoricalRedhead to view my listings and place an order! Tremendous gratitude to EACH and EVERY reader and supporter who has helped to make this possible. Without your encouragement I would still be holed up at my writing desk, wondering if I was any good at all. Well…apparently you like my scribbles enough to want to buy them, so–as per your request–I have opened an Etsy Shop to start selling my haikus and prose, printed and displayed in unique, creative…
A Three-Part Love Poem: